
Hello, I'm Michael Rossides. I'm an inventor who created this website and Paybuyer. I also invented an efficient payment method (here's a paper by Ron Rivest about one application).

While researching how to apply the Paybuyer ad model to the book market, it dawned on me that authors were getting screwed by semi-automated used booksellers. Looking more broadly, I saw rampant free riding off of authors, including by wealthy friends who bragged about getting their books from the library. What the hell? Can't you buy a book?!

Then, I looked into author income stats. Yikes! It became clear to me that the market abuses most book authors in multiple ways. It's unjust and, I'd argue, stupid for society.

Like many of you, I feel loyalty to authors who have provided me with knowledge, ideas, and fun.

So, encouraged by author Charles Kupfer, a friend, I tried to figure out a solution. I came up with the Fair Payment Tool, plus an efficient way for authors to educate readers about it.

The Fair Payment Tool is an altruistic venture to benefit authors. Hence, it will be a benefit corporation. Expenses and profits will be minimized so payments to authors can be maximized.

What's in it for me? Well, I want to see the problem solved, of course. But also, exposure. If this site works, I can introduce more inventions.

Patent Pending?

A provisional application has been filed — Method and System for Paying Authors Via Titles.

Most Important Things To Know About AE?

One, AE requires help from authors. Two, it's easy to help.